Canada Summer Jobs program is now open and accepting applications until January 29, 2021

Canada Summer Jobs is an initiative of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which aims to provide flexible and holistic services to help all young Canadians develop the skills and gain paid work experience to successfully transition into the labour market. The Canada Summer Jobs program objectives align with the redesigned Youth Employment and Skills…

2021 Summer Experience Program (SEP)

The Summer Experience Program provides funding to not-for-profit organizations, municipalities, Indigenous organizations and First Nation communities to create career-related summer employment opportunities for students. The summer employment positions must focus on activities supporting key sectors within the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries and the Citizenship and Immigration Division of the Ministry of…

Hiring Post-Secondary Students? Get up to $7,500 per placement: manufacturing and related sectors

Hiring Post-Secondary Students?  Get up to $7,500 per placement. Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC), via its WILWorks program, is a preferred partner for the Government of Canada to deliver the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) to Canada’s manufacturing and related sectors (e.g. North American Industry Classification – NAICS codes 31-33). Here is the link to NAICS codes:…

E-Service portal- Service Canada

Did you know that Service Canada has an E-Service (online) portal to help you with your needs? “The eServiceCanada portal allows individuals requiring assistance from Service Canada to submit an online request and receive a callback from a Service Canada officer within two business days”