Hiring Post-Secondary Students? Get up to $7,500 per placement: manufacturing and related sectors

Hiring Post-Secondary Students?  Get up to $7,500 per placement.

Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC), via its WILWorks program, is a preferred partner for the Government of Canada to deliver the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) to Canada’s manufacturing and related sectors (e.g. North American Industry Classification – NAICS codes 31-33).

Here is the link to NAICS codes: https://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/concepts/searchclasscod

Here is the link to the website for more details: https://offers.emccanada.org/en-ca/emcwil?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=99997110&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8lY1FIxdqjA_tZbtPV1c55BossibBTihSGo-N_AUWTs5B7XtKpjy8KQ2EvQhDsOXj_QZENwcu3OnDuiCpJBiGHL_bC4TfvIZ9878gtdcGxiP08Z90&utm_content=99997110&utm_source=hs_email